Wednesday, April 12, 2006


What is Neo Calvinism?

It is an emerging emphasis on 5 point Calvinism that is highly argumentative, has a tendency to bash Dispensationalism, and has a temperament of pseudo intellectualism. Their time and efforts have little place for evangelism much to say about those who do.

Some will deny that there is such a thing. However, it is my impression that not only does it exist, but it is perpetuated by some in Pastoral ministry who endeavor to make this the great "sine qua non" of their ministry. Like the "old light" European Calvinism of the Puritans of New England, it is critical of many evangelistic efforts as having undesirable methodology and presenting an easy believism no Lordship Gospel. There is often some truth to criticism. There is some truth to their criticism. However, there is often the presentation of those they criticize with exaggeration and mis-statement of facts.

To the Neo Calvinist all scripture can be exegeted to fit into the wonderful world of the "5 points box." To them, 1Tim. 2:4 does not mean "all men" but rather "all kinds of men." Many other passages that do not quite fit into the 5 point box are given this insightful exegetical methodology. Actually, this is the same kind of methodology that is used by liberals to find monogamous homosexual relationships as approved in scripture. Approach the passage with a truth that you perceive as being true and find a way of explaining the passage according to that truth.

Neo Calvinism is not just Calvinism. Many historians do not find limited or particular atonement as that which Calvin advocated. Some would call it Hyper Calvinism because of that. But it is not just 5 point (or hyper) Calvinism. It is a mood or spirit that aggressively advocates the view against even a moderate Calvinism. American Evangelicalism (Gospel believers) have included many who would call themselves "moderate Calvinists." They believe that Calvin said much that was right about the Sovereignty of God. They also would agree with regard to the depravity of man. However, they declared the intent and sufficiency of Christ to die for the sins of all men. However, it was only applied to all who believed and were placed into Christ. They also saw in scripture a human accountability that made men accountable for behavior and choices. They were real choices. They realized that there were some inconsistent philosophical collisions in their position. However, they saw this as consistent with what God had revealed. Many good Bible teachers and Theologians of the past and of the present were and are comfortable with that presentation of Scriptural truth. The Neo Calvinist often seeks to present the moderate Calvinist as not understanding Calvinism and simply a Pelagian heretic or a universalist. They view them as philosophically ignorant because all that the moderate Calvinist states cannot be squeezed into the 5 point box.
Neo Calvinism is also a hazard to balanced Christian living and evangelism. They will show up anywhere with their "five shooters" ready for the quick draw debate. They have no time for the evangelism effort.

Neo Calvinism is not just 5 point Calvinism. It is 5 point Calvinism with an attitude! It harks back to the spirit of the last effort for a theocratic Christian government on this earth by New England Puritans. Most do not advocate a theocracy, but their spirit reflects the old lights Calvinism of those who did.

America needs another great awakening. Neo Calvinism presents a mood and spirit moving in the opposite direction.


At 1:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure your use of the term "neocalvinism" is helpful. The term is already in common use (as you can see here) -- and has been for decades -- to describe something quite different from what you're addressing.

At 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Bob,

Thank you for posting this article. I first read your writing on some posting you did on Sharper Iron. It seems that many of those who post articles there are in this category you are talking about. I have been desirous of finding some blogs that line up with your type of thinking. It seems that the Calvanists do all the writing. It fits in with their intellectual attitude. Those on the other side need to do more writing as you are doing. Thank you.

At 11:51 AM , Blogger JohnBrianMck said...

...But it is not just 5 point (or hyper) Calvinism.


5 Point Calvinism is NOT hyper-Calvinism, which is what you seem to be stating here.

Here is an article titled, What is Hyper-Calvinism?

At 12:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course I am aware of the different definitions of "Hyper Calvinism." Some have called 5 point Calvinism as hyper because they dare to borrow the name of Calvin while the clear evidence today is that Calvin did not set forth Limited atonement. See Alistair McGrath as one of many Calvin scholars who acknowledge this.
Bob T.

At 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I love the calvinist.
Second, I fight the heretical
doctrins of calvinism constantly.
Concerning the NeoCalvinist, bring
them on! I welcome their aggressiveness. Biblical hermanuetics will prove calvinism
false! I really enjoy your website! And I will recommend it
to all!
God bless,
John Gregory


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